Welcome to the WAG series of mystery crates.
Although it's not a complete mystery, the surprise is in which crate will you get!
With this donation, you will receive one of 3 WAG Supply Crates. They are listed below.
When an admin in game tells you to, you will type in game chat /wag_crate 1 10
That will initialize the random counter and pop up a number between 1 and 10. It is totally random using the built in randomizer in the coding. {Rand({rollmin}:{rollmax})} . We have no control over the odds of what number comes up.
Roll a 1 and you get the Legendary Weapon Crate.Roll a 2 or 3 and you get the Epic Weapon Crate.
Roll a 4,5,6,7,8,9,10 and you get the Standard Weapon Crate.
Supply Crate Contents:
Standard: Ore-dinary Ore Pack + supplies
5K Iron Ore
5K Copper Ore
5K Cobalt Ore5K Neodymium Ore
5K Silicone Ore
5K Erestrum Ore
5K Zascosium Ore
5K Magnesium Ore
100 Bandages
25 WAG Healz
25 Emergency Rations
Epic Crate: Ore-ssential Ore Pack + supplies
10 K Erestrum Ore
10K Zascosium Ore10K Magnesium Ore
1K Titanium Ore
1K Promethium Ore1K Aluminum Ore
500 Platinum Ore
50 Bandages
50 WAG Healz
50 Emergency Rations
Legendary Crate: All-Ore-Nothing Ore Pack + Supplies20K Iron
1K Gold
1K Raw Pentaxid
1K Titanium
1K Promethium
1K Alluminum
500 Platinum
500 Magmacite
1K Bandages
200 WAG Healz
100 Emergency Rations
WAG Supply Crate
Since the type of WAG Crate you will receive depends on your roll, it is imperitive that you wait for an admin to guide you through the process. No rolls will count until an admin directs you to roll. We will be very strict about this. Have fun with it, but don't ruin it.